STUDY GUIDE   $98.00


Study Package includes 4 proctored tests and the 278 page study guide of questions and answers. Sessions are given Saturdays at 5:00pm. Testing is modeled after the actual test, for maximum impact. Please make sure to bring a pen and a silent calculator.


Class Conduct: When you come in you will be given a test to take. Cell phones must be off and put away. The test has a 2-hour time limit. After your test is graded, review the questions on which you were incorrect. When everyone is done, the entire class will have a test review. If you do not take your test as soon as you come in or you arrive late, you will not be given additional time. All tests not already graded will be collected at 7:30.


Please be considerate of your fellow classmates. There will be no socializing while the test is being taken. If you are done and you want to socialize, take it outside. Be professionally courteous to your classmates.


If you need one-on-one time with the instructor, wait until after class.